Culinary Capers Catering

Culinary Capers Catering info, products & news

Culinary Capers Catering is a member of Green Table, a restaurant group committed to sustainability. Their menu features Oceanwise seafood choices and emphasis is on local and seasonal ingredients. They make extensive use of reusable, biodegradable and compostable items in lieu of disposables. They have a comprehensive recycling program, including 200 gallons of cooking oil annually. Their kitchen has been retrofitted with plumbing apparatuses that reduce water consumption. Cleaning products are biodegradable and ammonia and phosphate free. Paper towels are 100% recycled paper. Culinary Capers Catering gives back to the community in many ways. Leftover food from events is donated to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank. They were part of the organizing committee for the BC Cancer Foundation Gala, endowed a library for the Room to Read organization and provided a sit down dinner for 300 women who use the Downtown Eastside Women's Shelter. They also encourage their staff (give time off work and pay expenses) to get involved with public speaking at educational forums.

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