DB Engineering

DB Engineering info, products & news

Headquartered near Toronto, Ontario, Canada, our firm is an internationally recognized
consulting engineering firm specializing in energy management, advanced design analyses, feasibility studies and engineering
design.The activities of the firm in the energy field address both energy management and power/co-generation/waste-to-energy
applications. Energy cost savings of 7-15% with low payback and thousands of tons of GHG emission reductions  have been
typically identified by our energy analyses, world wide.The strength of our firm in the engineering design field
resides in the capability of performing high quality advanced analyses during preliminary engineering, analyses related to
applied fluid mechanics, heat transfer, stress, equipment modelling, simulation of systems and operations.The
firm has the capability of joining forces with other reputable engineering companies to carry out highly specialized or very
large and complex projects, from conception to implementation. This includes bankable feasibility studies, preliminary engineering,
detailed design, project management and construction management.

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