Sophisticated Supermarket Technologies

Sophisticated Supermarket Technologies Product details

Sophisticated Supermarket Technologies Product by:
CSS North America, Inc.

CSS North America is a distributor of sophisticated supermarket technologies that can boost Energy Efficiency while reducing utility costs and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Some of our products and services include refrigerator night blinds, color-corrected fluorescent lightbulbs and electrical maintenance services.

In addition to saving you energy and energy costs, our products can help you by reducing product loss. When items are kept at the right temperature and under proper lighting conditions, they are less likely to become spoiled and have to be thrown out. To Reduce Waste is good for your profit, the environment and your consumers.

Installing our night blinds can reduce your carbon dioxide emissions dramatically. For example, if you install 100 feet worth of blinds, you would be eliminating seven cars’ worth of emissions. Your eco-savvy consumers will appreciate your efforts, and so will the environment. Please contact us to find out more about how we can help your supermarket become more eco friendly.

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