Natural Health Supplements

Natural Health Supplements Product details

Natural Health Supplements Product by:
Advanced Orthomolecular Research

Advanced Orthomolecular Research, or AOR, provides high-quality natural Health supplements. The word, “orthomolecular,” means “the right amount of the right substances delivered to the right part of the body at the right time.” Making sure that every one of our Dietary supplements fits this definition is of paramount importance.

AOR has the reputation of being the most advanced supplement formulator in Canada, and possibly the world. We take our commitment to research, innovation and product safety very seriously. We understand that the health of our consumers depends on our integrity and expertise.

We offer a wide variety of Health Supplements, including single vitamins, such as Vitamin D3, as well as multivitamin complexes designed to help with one or more lifestyle or health issues. As science and research allows, we add to our offerings in order to stay up-to-date with the latest technology. AOR looks forward to meeting your needs for natural health supplements.

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