Glenwood Organic Meats

Glenwood Organic Meats Product details

Glenwood Organic Meats Product by:
Glenwood Meats

Glenwood Organic Meats is a full service butcher.

They offer local lamb and Cowichan Bay chicken available for purchase at their retail location.

Their organic beef is AAA Alberta beef, but they do on occasion get in some local beef.

Organic pork is currently being sourced from the mainland.

Check with the shop directly to get the latest information on availability of organic local meats.

At Glenwood Organic Meats, they wrap their meat in the eco-friendly traditional brown paper wrap.

When purchasing directly from the butcher, you are not only getting a excellent  cut of meat, but you are eliminating all the excess sustainable Styrofoam and plastic wrap packaging that comes with grocery store bought meat.

Please use the Contact form on the right for Glenwood Organic Meats information and ordering.

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