Geothermal Energy Systems

Geothermal Energy Systems Product details

Geothermal Energy Systems Product by:
Dwights Drilling and Geothermal

Dwights NextEnergy designs and installs Geothermal energy systems for cost savings as well as resource conservation. A geothermal system works by using the stored warmth of the sun to keep you warm during the winter. This is natural, clean and green energy at its finest.

We install ethanol pipes under the ground, where the temperature is about 10 degrees (Celsius) year-round. The ethanol is an excellent conductor of heat, and as it circulates through pipes in your home to the geothermal unit, it brings the stored warmth from the sun along with it. We offer both forced air and water radiator systems, and we can help you choose the method that is best for your home.

Dwight’s NextEnergy is committed to excellent customer service, and we believe that high-quality products delivered on time and offered at a fair price allow us to keep our customers satisfied. Our units are low-maintenance, use less energy than traditional systems, create less noise than traditional systems, and offer the ultimate in comfort.

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