Batteries for Clean Transportation

Batteries for Clean Transportation Product details

Batteries for Clean Transportation Product by:

Electrovaya manufactures lithium ion Batteries for clean transportation, grid power, healthcare markets and consumer markets. Our batteries are specially designed to make clean transportation more feasible. The proprietary Lithium Ion SuperPolymer 2.0 batteries can power zero-emission Electric Vehicles, among other things.

Reducing emissions goes a long way toward reducing your carbon footprint. With Electrovaya’s batteries, you will be able to make the switch from traditional gas-powered vehicles to those which use fewer resources. Our batteries can also power Smart Grid power supplies, including those that rely on wind and solar energy.

In today’s changing world, technology and knowledge of alternative energy and sustainability are growing exponentially. We pride ourselves on staying up-to-date on new innovations so that we can provide you with the clean energy that you need.

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