Bamboo That Grows in Canada

Bamboo That Grows in Canada Product details

Bamboo That Grows in Canada Product by:
Bamboo World

At Bamboo World, we offer bamboo that grows in Canada, despite the cold climate. You might not have known that there are species of this fast-growing woody plant that can withstand cold temperatures, but we carry rare, exotic, cold-hardy types of bamboo.

Planting bamboo in your yard or urban garden gives you a Sustainable source of shade and windscreen. Bamboo has also become a popular source of renewable building material. Because it grows so quickly, it can replace lumber in many types of building. Instead of waiting decades for regeneration, as you might with some types of trees, you can wait just years for bamboo to regrow.

Our bamboo plants are already potted, because we have found that balled and burlap-wrapped bamboo does not fare as well as potted plants. We guarantee that every plant you order will arrive healthy and strong, and if you are not satisfied, we offer a full refund. You can trust Bamboo World with all of your bamboo needs.

Please use the Contact form on the right for Bamboo That Grows in Canada information and ordering.

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