Adorable Cloth Diapers

Adorable Cloth Diapers Product details

Adorable Cloth Diapers Product by:
Cozy Bums Diapers

If you want to use adorable cloth diapers for your baby, you won’t want to miss the opportunity to check out Cozy Bums. Cozy Bums supplies diapers from major manufacturers, including Bummis, FuzziBunz and Kissaluvs. When you use cloth diapers on your baby, you’re minimising your impact on the environment, using a healthy option for your little one, and putting something soft and cute on your baby’s bottom.

In addition to providing green cloth diapers and other natural Baby Care products, Cozy Bums stands by our commitment to Environmentalism by Recycling and reusing shipping materials and taking other earth friendly actions. We offer free shipping in Canada and offer competitive prices in order to keep cloth diapering affordable for as many people as possible.

When you switch your baby to cloth diapers, you won’t be adding disposable diapers to the landfills any more. That is something to feel good about. Contact us for all of your cloth diapering needs.

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