AR2000 Hot-in-Place Recycling System

AR2000 Hot-in-Place Recycling System Product details

AR2000 Hot-in-Place Recycling System Product by:
Martec Recycling Corporation

At Martec Recycling Corp, our AR2000 Hot-in-Place Recycling System is our innovative and eco friendly circulative heating system. It works by combining forced heated air along with indirect infrared heat. The air would be heated to about 600ºC in a diesel combustion chamber and high-speed hot air would be blown onto the pavement. The hot air would be vacuumed for reheating.

Our heating system does not overheat the bitumen. In fact the three milling drums within the system would loosen and this removes the softened pavement - all without breaking the aggregate. 

The pavement quality of our system is high. It is made of corrective material and can be added to the reclaimed asphalt pavement. We also have a Post heating, Drying and Mixing Process which makes sure that the heating is thorough and no moisture remains. 

This mixture would then be picked up by a slat conveyor and taken to an onboard twin-shaft pug mill for mixing. After that, the process of lay-down and compaction by a conventional paver and rollers would occur.

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