Organic Flours and Mixes

Organic Flours and Mixes Product details

Organic Flours and Mixes Product by:
Anitas Organic Grain

Anitas Organic Mill knows how important it is to feed your family well. We offer organic flours and mixes, along with grains that have been used since ancient times. From instant Organic Food options, to cookie mixes, organic rolled oats and more, Anitas Organic Mill has your family’s health and your convenience at the top of our priority list.

Our products are processed with low milling temperatures to avoid as much nutrient loss as possible. You will never find synthetic chemicals or pesticides in any of our ingredients; everything is wholesome and pure. We strive to better the community, the environment, and the overall health of our consumers.

Anitas Organic Mill is a family-run business with fair policies in place for employees. We are committed to supporting local organic farms and responsible farming methods and we contribute to the community through various projects. We look forward to meeting your needs for wholesome, organic grains.

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